Arizona National Security - Drug Cartels HUB Militarized Border - US Homeland Security Biggest Case

The Carroll Foundation Trust Criminal Case - Largest Organised Criminal Conspiracy and Corruption Case - $ One Billion Dollars
$ Embezzlement of Funds Criminal Liquidation of Assets on a World Wide basis

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

NSA NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY FORT MEADE MARYLAND - NSA Cybercom = NSA * DEA * ICE * FBI = OVERARCH = FBI * ICE * DEA * NSA Multi-Agency Mission Statement - "Defending The Nation" - FBI Director Christopher Wray and Gerald J. H. Carroll National Security Interests - DEA DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION Money Laundering "Forensics Files" - MILITARIZED BORDER = DRUG CARTELS = SAN ANTONIO * HUB * EL PASO = DRUG TRANSPORTATION ARTERIES = MILITARIZED BORDER - U.S. IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT - CARROLL ANGLO-AMERICAN CORPORATION TRUST - US Homeland Security Biggest Trans-National Organized Crime Syndicate Bank Fraud Bribery Case

There is a complete - LOCKDOWN - of the Carroll Foundation Maryland Trust $ (one billion dollars) organized crime case at the FBI Washington DC field office "in concert" with the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Scotland Yard within a "cross-border" international crime case.

NSA Carroll County FBI Gerald Carroll National Security Case:
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